“My ability, my strength”- Ethics and Values
En mayo, los estudiantes de grado primero tuvieron la oportunidad de compartir con sus compañeros de clase, sus talentos y habilidades, como parte de la clase de ética y valores. Bajo el título “Mi habilidad, mi fortaleza”, cada estudiante compartió habilidades deportivas, musicales, plásticas y artísticas, que han desarrollado y que realizan frecuentemente. El propósito de la actividad era reconocer en ellos y en sus compañeros seres únicos, llenos de fortalezas, habilidades y talentos.
In May, first graders had the opportunity to share with their classmates their talents and abilities as part of their ethics and human values class. Under the name “Mi ability, my strength”, each student shared the sporting, musical, plastics, and artistic ability they have developed, and have performed recently. The purpose of the activity was for the students to acknowledge themselves, as well as their classmates, as unique beings full of strengths, abilities, and talents.