Maravillas del Universo- Cierre de Unidad “HOW THE WORD WORKS”
Los estudiantes de grado primero disfrutan de manera integrada sobre el tema transdisciplinar de la unidad de indagación “Cómo funciona el mundo”: Por medio de experimentos sobre la fuerza de gravedad, observaciones de modelos 3D de la tierra, el sol y la luna, indagaciones en familia y con sesiones compartidas desde el colegio para brindar un aprendizaje colaborativo, disfrutamos aprendiendo desde el área de ciencias.
Wonderful things about the universe First Grade students learn in an integrated way about the transdisciplinary theme of our unit of inquiry “How the world works”. The main objective is learning through meaningful activities such as experiments about gravity, observations of 3D models to understand the moon, sun, and earth’s features; moreover, students inquired topics in family and we shared sessions from school to have cooperative learning. We enjoyed a lot together from all subjects and especially from science class.