Making bird feeders
Los estudiantes de grado Jardín reflexionaron en torno a la importancia de cuidar los animales que nos rodean y la vida silvestre. Se divirtieron mucho elaborando comederos para aves utilizando rollos vacíos de papel higiénico, mantequilla de maní, semillas y limpiapipas. Al finalizar, los colgaron de los árboles del colegio y están a la expectativa de ver, en algunos días, si los pajaritos encontraron las semillas.
Kindergarten students reflected on the importance of caring for the animals around us and about ways to support wildlife in the environment. They enjoyed making bird feeders using recycled toilet paper tubes, peanut butter, pipe cleaners, and seeds. For the closure, they also enjoyed leaving the bird feeders around the school hanging in the trees and they are expecting to see in a couple of days if the birds can find the seeds.