Le rôle du français dans ma vie
The students of eleventh grade belonging to French class were the attendees of a talk called “Le rôle du français dans ma vie” in which two French teachers from Colegio Mayor de los Andes shared their background experience based on the importance of learning French not only in their personal lives but also in their professional ones. This talk took place in the school’s auditorium on April 26th. Along the talk the teachers exposed their beginnings in French language learning as well as the means and other factors involved in this process. Thus, the attendees of the talk had the opportunity to ask questions in order to complete a better insight of what it is to learn a language such as French. At the end of the talk the guests invited the students to continue developing their language skills in French and to start thinking about leaving the local country to study why not in France since they already have the language knowledge; the keystone to be admitted in a university in any francophone country.
Los estudiantes de grado undécimo, pertenecientes a la clase de francés, fueron los participantes de una charla titulada “el rol del paper en mi vida”. En dicha charla, dos profesores de francés del Colegio Mayor de los Andes, compartieron su experiencia de formación basada en la importancia del aprendizaje de la lengua extranjera, no solo desde el aspecto personal sino también el profesional.
Esta charla se llevó a cabo en el auditorio del colegio el 26 de abril. Durante la charla los profesores expusieron sus inicios, medios y otros factores protagónicos en este proceso. Por otra parte, los asistentes tuvieron la oportunidad de hacer preguntas con el objetivo de completar su parecer, alrededor del aprendizaje de una lengua tal como el francés