School diversity is taken for granted in our school as just the differences among regions, but nowadays we can see around to find students and teachers from other countries or even Colombians who belong to a different religion or belief, something that can affect their and our perspective on life. Reading the novel “The Book Thief” by Markus Zusak with eleventh graders gave the perfect excuse to talk not only about history but as well about Jewish culture. With the support of Mr. Jorge Contreras, one of our math teachers, seniors could go deeper into this interesting topic by interviewing him and applying most of the characteristics of the IB profile. Time was too short but valuable, these kinds of activities can make an important and meaningful contribution to societies.
La lectura de la novela “La ladrona de libros” de Markus Zusak, fue la excusa perfecta para hablar, no solo de historia, sino también de la cultura Judía. Con el apoyo del profesor Jorge Contreras, uno de nuestros docentes de matemáticas, los estudiantes de grado undécimo pudieron profundizar más en este interesante tema, a través de una entrevista con él, aplicando la mayor parte de los atributos del perfil IB. El tiempo fue muy poco, pero valioso, con ello trabajamos el respeto por las diferencias existentes en torno a la diversidad de credos y religiones.