En días pasados se realizó la Izada de Bandera a cargo de grado quinto. En esta ceremonia exaltamos los símbolos patrios, reconocimos a los estudiantes que se destacan por el valor del mes: autoconfianza, por su perfil IB buenos comunicadores y por ser estudiantes Upstanders. Tuvimos la oportunidad de disfrutar la presentación de todo grado quinto con el show: Body percussion, en la que de forma coordinada, resaltaron la importancia de reconocer el valor individual y cultural.
On Tuesday, October 31, the flag raising ceremony was carried out by the fifth grade. In this ceremony we exalted the patriotic symbols, we recognized the students who stand out for the value of self-confidence, for their IB profile as good communicators and for being Upstanders students. We had the opportunity to enjoy the presentation of all fifth grade with the show: Body percussion, in which in a coordinated way they highlighted the importance of recognizing the individual and cultural value.